Sonic vs. Eggman, Act 1 (n_Reality)

Thumbnail of the map 'Sonic vs. Eggman, Act 1 (n_Reality)'

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Author esay
Tags author:esay classic eggman hedgehog rated rings sonic
Created 2009-03-03
Last Modified 2009-03-03
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Get there fast, get the rings, and don't die!
Win by Running into Eggman, and avoiding his Speedy Rocket gun!

Get the fastest All-Ring-Demo, and the next map in the series is Dedicated to you!
This one goes to Kablamo_Boom for teaching me how to use n_Reality coding.

Put sound on for best experience.

Rate, Comment, Share Demos, And Enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ded to Kablamo_Boom' Thumbnail of the map 'Prepare for the Future' Thumbnail of the map 'Fidgety Fumble' Thumbnail of the map 'Sonic the Ninja - (u)n_Reality' Thumbnail of the map 'Sonic the ninja - nReal-ity' Thumbnail of the map 'Floating Rings - n_Reality'
Ded to Kablamo_Boom Prepare for the Future Fidgety Fumble Sonic the Ninja - (u)n_Reality Sonic the ninja - nReal-ity Floating Rings - n_Reality


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Yeah its pretty pathetic.
Because i disagreed with him? That's pretty weak.
You might wake up one day and find out you got disabled.


So i have to agree with what ever he says?
What ever, it's a free country.
if you argue with him you could get in big trouble
Looks like the other people gave it 5/5...
(4/5 with 3 votes in total, including your... respectable 1/5) :\


The gameplay was based as closely to Sonic games as possible (within the limits of N), so if you don't like it, i suggest you take it up with Sega.
As for image placement.. i don't know what you are talking about.. There is a Tree, a Bush, some speed pads.. There's not many other places you could have positioned them (especially in the case of the speed pads etc), unless you want a tree in mid air.
Also, how are the images poorly layered? Do you want me to swap the foreground image with the background image or something? :\
Out of the two people I've personally shown it to, they both gave it 5/5.. so i think you might have something wrong.


Shoddy gameplay and equal image placement. Poorly layered images do not add anything to a badly constructed level.

The rings not disappearing is the least of the problems here.




never a sonic person... and as for gameplay its not great

awesome map! to bad the gold doesn't dissapear