3-4: Almost Around the World

Thumbnail of the map '3-4: Almost Around the World'

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Author OutrightOJ
Tags action author:outrightoj playable rated series
Created 2009-03-01
Last Modified 2009-03-01
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Resub after posting the wrong map :P Please don't be put off by the thumbnail.

As I said before, first map in a while, hopefully you'll like it. I spent a hell of a load of time playtesting this - getting everything in the right places and that.
So, here it is, very simple concept, but also reasonably challenging. I'll post a demo later if required, but I'll say now that you need to go as quickly as possible up the right, and don't try to outpace the rocket at the top right corner ;)

Rate, comment and enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '3-0: Lil Devil' Thumbnail of the map '3-1: It's A Long Way To The Top' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro Alphabet: U for uNcoNditioNal' Thumbnail of the map '3-2: Radioactive' Thumbnail of the map '3-3: Junction' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro Alphabet: V for Vinceatorix'
3-0: Lil Devil 3-1: It's A Long Way To The Top Micro Alphabet: U for uNcoNditioNal 3-2: Radioactive 3-3: Junction Micro Alphabet: V for Vinceatorix


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once I was already falling down. then that damn chaingun came. 2/5 made too hard

lol fail

Demo Data


I always die here
Demo Data


if it wasnt for that rocket
Demo Data


very addicting.
so addicting i would feature.


I think you deserve to have another map with 5 rates. 4/5, a nice idea, and well executed.


I know

I could if I try hard enough, but the chainguns doesn't make it fun to play, without them its a 4/5
I found the map pretty hard myself :P
I presume the chaingun problem you were having was at the top right corner? I know that that's pretty common. With a few more tries you should be able to beat it ;)
Thanks for commenting, everyone!


can't do this level as I want to do it.
I can't do it at all. 4/5 - 3 points for the chainguns, sorry


Yeh its quite hard!But still,its really kool. 4 - 5


but with small yet crucial differences. Without the odd tiles on the left-hand side, this would be impossible. I'm glad no-one commented on the old one :P

this is

almost exactly the same as the old map.

Pretty fun

Running the gauntlet and all. I can't even get halfway through it, though. :(

3.5/5 rounded up.

Thanks :)

Ok, you really need to pelt upwards at the beginning. Watch my demo and it should give you a hint of what to do. As far as I know this is one of the only ways of getting past the top right part. You need to watch out for the chaingun as well as the rocket.
Demo Data

As far as I

can get. I hate to admit it, but I'm beaten. The rockets and chainguns keep killing me here.
This is really well put together and the enemies provide an excellent challenge.
Demo Data

Didn't listen

to your advice >.<
I'll shut up and continue playing now.
Demo Data

I was surprised

that the gauss killed me the most. This is as far as I can get right now, I'll keep trying though. I'll rate soon.
Demo Data