Adventure Island

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Adventure Island'

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Author Enzis
Tags author:enzis rpg unrated
Created 2009-02-15
Last Modified 2009-02-15
Map Data

Description Numa wouldn't let me fix a missing coin on a map that already has ratings so I had to relist it. (Ratings are disabled now so that isn't a problem.) Some people had problems with this map because they couldn't figure out what to do on a certain jump, so that coin hint should make a difference. If your confused, post your data and ask about where your stuck at. The tips before were, don't try to cheat jumps, it will occasionally cause death, let jumps do it's thing till it's done (unless a coin-hint tells you to do something. And yes coins are hints.) At the end, when you jump between a set of spikes, DON'T DO ANYTHING. It's an auto-play (it's my reward to you for beating the map. If you really want to mess it up that's your loss.)


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Took some time to figure out, but I guess that's the point. Very detailed work. You certainly can fit a lot in a small space.

How to

If you get lost, here's the demo. Tho the point is to figure it out so plz try to figure it out first.
Demo Data