Lohrtdaar's Army

Thumbnail of the map 'Lohrtdaar's Army'

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Author Why_Me
Tags action author:why_me playable unrated
Created 2009-02-14
Last Modified 2009-02-14
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description "Base, this is unit 244."
"Copy, 244. What's your status?"
"We are in position, over."
"Have you come in contact with any bogeys?"
"Negative. We haven't faced a....wait a minute....."
"Unit 244, what's your status? Please respond."
"Holy fuck! They've got a whole god-damn army!"
"Hold your position. We're sending reinforcements."
"Die! *gunfire* Die! *gunfire* No, no! Oh god! *crackles* No! *screeching sounds* No! Base, don't *crackles* -inforcements! Too many! I can't *crackles* off! Evacuate the-*crash!*....*silence*"
"Unit 244, hold your position. We're sending in all we've got."
"Unit 244, do you copy?"
"Unit 244, please respond."
"Shit. Get ready for war."

Ded to Nexx for his completion of this [] map. xaelar will get the deds on the next two maps I make for AGD-ing the map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Rapid Cellular Degeneration' Thumbnail of the map 'Bank Robbery' Thumbnail of the map 'Concussion' Thumbnail of the map 'Concussion' Thumbnail of the map 'Caverns of Wisdom' Thumbnail of the map 'The Way It Is'
Rapid Cellular Degeneration Bank Robbery Concussion Concussion Caverns of Wisdom The Way It Is


Pages: (0)

I might

clean it up later.
but the objects almost felt spammed, the drones were "..." and the launchpads were also "..." but apart from that I found it fun to try speedrun and AGD, though I could do neither low 4


First, when you're at the main menu, press the tilde button. It's the one to the left of the '1' key on the second row of your keyboard. Then it tells you which keys do what. If I were you, before I submit a map, I would first look around on the metanet forums for some map-making tutorials, and I would make a couple maps before I submit them. If you like, I could help you make your maps. You could send them to me via PM, and I could tell you what needed fixing, and show you what I would do. But I would first check on the metanet forums for some level-making tutorials before I do anything else.

can someone teach me how to make a map?


Speed demo to start you off. Easily improvable.
Demo Data