N-Art 5

Thumbnail of the map 'N-Art 5'

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Author el_umi
Tags author:el_umi rated test
Created 2005-10-18
Last Modified 2005-10-18
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description This is something i worked on that i plan to make into a level. also check out my last n-art that i made into a level. i think it came out pretty good. tell me what you think of this one and i'll make it into a level. I submitted it now so u can get a feel of it and see how it is. i'll see if i can make a lvl out of it by today.

Here's my other map i think you'll like:

Other maps by this author

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N-Art 1 N-Art 2 N-Art 3 N-Art 4 avoid the drones. From N-Art To Action.