Deep Waters

Thumbnail of the map 'Deep Waters'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author garfield50
Tags author:garfield50 chaingun mines rated rocket teleporters
Created 2009-02-13
Last Modified 2009-02-13
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description There are scary things lying in the deep... along with sunken treasure.

Ded to geek_with_a_mission because this is made with his tileset.

something i made in about half an hour. RCE!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A Partridge in a Pear Tree' Thumbnail of the map 'Lost in Music' Thumbnail of the map 'Tetris' Thumbnail of the map 'Feel the Chi!' Thumbnail of the map 'The Two Towers' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket'
A Partridge in a Pear Tree Lost in Music Tetris Feel the Chi! The Two Towers Rocket


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great level

and teleporters work awesomely.

I saw these tiles

when geek_with_a_mission posted them and I didn't think it would be possible to make a good map with them but I think you were quite successful here I especially though the timing on the drone and the thwump was awesome that was cool didn't like the stuff below the bottom sub and mines so much that put me off agd but still very good 4/5. Also thanks for checking out my maps :D
Demo Data


But some of the items didnt feel necessary.


all the launchpads are teleports, and i'm obsessed with teleports, so i had to include them.

Really fun!

would be better without the launchpads. 3.5


i cant post my demo data

demo data

good job garfild50 way to go here's my demo data it's nothing specil just proof that i did it
by the way you have got to teach me how to make teleports is there a website for that or could you just post instructions on my sub tileset