Comments on "Blocky Curve 5 - Mobius"

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The blocks

look like two half-boobs.

here's a better run

The thwumps don't lag like the blocks, cause they don't move. maybe you could work with that. But I don't think it really matters.
Did you mean to have the tile in the upper right of the thwumps?
Demo Data

I like the design

of this map. Here's a completion where I ended up cheating.
I think the blocks look like tiles because they're so close together, the borders make a solid mass.

I give it a five.
Demo Data

who are

you and why boring



why do

they look like that just out of interest also nice demos guys rate/criticize please


aren't Tiles Chris, maybe you should play the map?


Demo Data


Demo Data


how do you do that with the tiles? thats awesome :D


super lag

but i agd and died, thats somthing...
Demo Data

fair enough

thanks for the interest =)


1: no, fdf is just me bashing my hand on the keyboard lol, 2: I don't rate, sorry, and please don't beg me, because I will end up rating, 3: I would post demo, but it went really laggy and it froze so I'm not going to post demo for this one


nooby question does fdf mean anything and also please rate/post demo


lol super laggy, but I love the curves you do, very nice work