
Thumbnail of the map 'cargo'

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Author apse
Tags action author:apse playable rated
Created 2009-02-11
Last Modified 2009-02-11
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description experiment of sorts.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'inserted' Thumbnail of the map 'again' Thumbnail of the map 'burnt' Thumbnail of the map 'fed' Thumbnail of the map 'the concept of true action.' Thumbnail of the map 'around'
inserted again burnt fed the concept of true action. around


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really liked the chimney launch aswell. <3
and the delay was used well too.

just sent you a PM

on the forums :D

also gonna look at what the paradigm shift contest is...

Thanks :)

Pretty cool how the gausses kept a pattern while still going through the tiles. You've done this before, but it was a while ago, so it doesn't really matter. I really only had two problems with this map:
1) The lines of launchpads on the left were pretty useless
2) There were so many gausses that they took a long time to fire XD

You've made better, but this isn't bad. 3.5v
Playing this now...


its an average map.
nothing special..

not too sure

what the experiment was...

maybe seeing how many gausses could be used before the level got boring...

i liked the level though, good fun to AGD or speed 4/5

and my account on the forums is ChrisE... not too sure what 'type' of tileset i want though :D