Slanted 2

Thumbnail of the map 'Slanted 2'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Technochocolate
Tags action author:technochocolate chainguns easy hide-and-seek playable unrated
Created 2009-02-10
Last Modified 2009-02-10
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description #3 of the Hide and Seek [] series
A slightly harder but still easy chaingun map.
My third attempt at getting this series noticed. check out my other ones by clicking the above link

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Nu' Thumbnail of the map 'I can't take life anymore!' Thumbnail of the map 'Yes, it means you're dead' Thumbnail of the map 'Seaweed' Thumbnail of the map 'Caverns' Thumbnail of the map 'lion'
Nu I can't take life anymore! Yes, it means you're dead Seaweed Caverns lion


Pages: (0)

calm down the cheat.
he will
the main reason why I was angry was because I thought that people didn't like my maps because of the fact that I posted them too quickly.
Thank you for the criticism :).
one to the first there is far more variety to it and great placement. One thing I would map the top gunner harder he didn't kill me once maybe position him so he looks down the vertical tunnel also just one point. Apart from that this was great and don't let feedback make you angry you made a good map you know that I know that if someone wants to raise a point about posting frequency take it in your stride and by the way on that I know you do spend time on these map what bothers me is that I only make like 1 map a week and sometimes someone multi posting pushes it down 3 spaces before anyone even sees it why do they deserve more views than me but your not at all bad at it its usually noobs. Anyway back to the point great map and challinging 4.1/5
Demo Data

That's it!

I fixed the glitch. Your demo won't work now, but I think mine might.


Double post.
Aahh, faster
Demo Data


This convo is funny.
Fastest Comp :P
Demo Data


This convo is funny.
Fastest Comp :P
Demo Data


I'm sorry, did I accuse you of any of those things?
I told technochoco to calm down...
I was just pointing out the gaps in your statement.
I also do not live in a way which allows me to work on maps for hours.
I probably should, but I don't. But I don't think most people do spend 3 hours, some maybe, but not most.
and yes I probably should've calmed down.
and man I haven't seen you martyr around for ages.
I'm going to continue this series, and hopefully make a map everyone can agree with, because I have made several chaingun maps like this that a few people say they liked, so I'm going to have to work harder, I guess.


Final statement: I like this map. I don't see anything wrong with it. So I'm just going to have to accept the fact that I have different taste.
I did not rate this a 0, did not spam it with hate mail
I simply voiced the fact I believed he was going too quickly
Thats an opinion, you can't tell me I'm wrong

Secondly, yes people spend hours on maps
30 minutes here, 40 minutes there everyday for a week adds up.

I second what martyr says, slow down and polish. Play around with it. Try different tiles, and if you don't like them, go back to your old version. Try new enemies, challenges and interactions. Read ATOB's guide.

Now if you spent hours on these maps, thats legit I guess. However, it doesn't appear so; I was simply voicing my opinion.


and i'm not a new mapmaker. I already have the idea that none of my maps are likely to be new. I figured also that most people would likely not take advantage of the fact that the one glitch can make it much easier, but rather play the map how it's supposed to be.
Demo Data
but I keep trying to get the gold at the top left; if it werent for the attempt at the agd, woulda had it in my 2nd try.
There are THOUSANDS of maps like this. you're better than some, but not too skilled map maker yet, it's average, and the chances are weighted against you to make a unique map. if it's cheatable, fix it. don't submit.


I spent countless hours working on The Cheat, but that was N-art, a completely different story.
Well, just because I overlooked a cheatable flaw in it, doesn't mean I didn't spend time playtesting it. I still don't know why no one else thinks it's fun.
not all at once, In a week, i have stuff to do.
It's best this way so you can come back to it.
I suggest you leave the map, come back in a day. it might be hard, just do it.
and Demo if it's easy.
And it's very easy for me. I wonder why it feels so effortless. Man, I'm really depressed now. I did put very much time and effort into this.

calm down

ganteka... don't speak bullcrap. some people like me often have limited use of the internet, or for other legit reasons like map series, we make some stuff, and then submit them all at once... I think too many is bad, but 3 maps is nothing close to spam, and just cause you post 8 maps in 3 minutes does not mean you spent no time making them...
also you said "most authors spend three hours on a map", I for one have never spent that much time on a map, art yes, map no... I doubt many other people actually do spend three hours a map...


NR, if i did, 1.


Cheatable. If you play-tested, you'd see. look at the common glitches in the forum.

But it feels like it was made in fifteen. And i'm almost sure its almost impossible.
Put time, effort, maybe a few tears into them.
Demo Data
on my map? I spent time on it, and I'd like to at least hear what's wrong with it.
and 2 people have rated an average of 1 on this, and 1 person rated a 2 on my 2nd one, and my first one went unnoticed. But nobody has said anything about it except that I submitted them too rapidly.

I for one

have not rated
The 0 belongs to Kum
These maps are very fun to me, and I have no idea why no one else thinks the same way! I don't know wether people are rating low because of the gameplay or because of how fast I am submitting them (which has NOTHING to do with how much time I spent on them). I made each of these on blank map printouts, taking time on them, and spending at least fifteen minutes playtesting and modifying them. I think they turned out fantastic.


I didn't submit these directly after I made them. I made all three over a long period of time, and after I had all three, started - posting - each - one - periodically. I spent a good hour on each of these!


in a single hour you made 3 maps...
most authors spend 3 hours on one map
I only have one other map on the hot maps and its five maps down.
I didn't make them quickly. I made them all at once and am now submitting them periodically. the 0 was really harsh, man.
astheoceansblue loves to delist for Multiple maps in a limited time, he's done it to me, too.


slow down
you seriously should delist this and sub it tomorrow
you are verging on spam

also, why don't you polish your maps more? If you can make them so quickly, playtest them for 15 minutes and polish em good

like I said, you are going to quickly
I'd delist, and slow down