The Tree Branches Drip

Thumbnail of the map 'The Tree Branches Drip'

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Author DDRave
Tags author:ddrave playable puzzle-ish unrated
Created 2009-02-09
Last Modified 2009-02-09
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description drip... drip... drip... melt... melt... melt... AGD Challenge... AGD Challenge... AGD Challenge... yes.

Other maps by this author

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C is for Constant Danger Essance of CPU Generic Jumping Test flask BACteria Fresh Air


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Quite a bit faster

And someone like Meta, xaelar, kryx, etc. could easily do better.

So it was interesting because when I first started this map I thought it required too much precision and I was getting annoyed at it. But after a few runs I started liking the challenge of balancing precision and speed. Plus, you get points on the novelty of the concept.

IMO all the problems in the map come from your particular execution of it. The biggest problem for me is that there's not enough route options, particularly because the placement of the exit means that you have to go get the rightmost gold before you get the exit switch. There are also a few minor problems, like the fact that it's not too difficult to cheat, that AGDs won't get you the highest score, and that the placement of the gold on top of the switch means that the best highscore (without cheating) will pretty much just be able to hit each jump exactly so as to get the gold and not the trapdoor.

But whatever, these are all highscoring concerns. They just prevented the map from being awesome. It was still fun as it was. 4/5
Demo Data


An AGD doesn't result in the best score. My best AGD so far is 93.something, while the below demo results in 98.something. :\
Demo Data


Demo Data
And the way that you placed the door switches and gold, excellent.