Glitch Block Arena

Thumbnail of the map 'Glitch Block Arena'

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Author Nick43092
Tags author:nick43092 rated test
Created 2005-10-17
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description There are a few blocks with gold around them, known as glitch blocks, I discovered them, and want to share them with peopel, enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Rising' Thumbnail of the map 'A New Thwist on Corners 2' Thumbnail of the map 'DDA!' Thumbnail of the map 'Hard level' Thumbnail of the map 'Odd Map' Thumbnail of the map 'Physics'
Rising A New Thwist on Corners 2 DDA! Hard level Odd Map Physics


Pages: (0)

These half-tile glitchy blocks have been discovered before.
Here's an example of it being used as propulsion:
Look at formica's test levels, and please stop posting maps so much


Very Old


Can anyone explain to me why this happens ??