1 = T on a S

Thumbnail of the map '1 = T on a S'

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Author hoohah2x2sday
Tags action author:hoohah2x2sday conceptual playable puzzle unrated
Created 2009-02-02
Last Modified 2009-02-02
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description It's a cool new concept i've been working on. You can complete it by guessing, but the clues really help, imo.

Ded to Riobe (title on 200th), Magirocker (AGDs on 199th and 200th), and ChrisE (title on 199th).


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '8 = L on a S' Thumbnail of the map '6 = S on a C' Thumbnail of the map '60 = M in a D' Thumbnail of the map '26 = L on a KB' Thumbnail of the map '1 = F on a C' Thumbnail of the map '200 = M in my C'
8 = L on a S 6 = S on a C 60 = M in a D 26 = L on a KB 1 = F on a C 200 = M in my C


Pages: (0)

1 Thread on a Screwdriver?


its a building material


is it 1 thread on a site?

1 = T on a S

thread on a...

actually, thread is right, but string is wrong

1=T on a S

tie on a shirt?
testtube on a stool?
tongue on a snake?
tail on a snake?
thread on a string?


1=Tupac on a Shakur?


1=tiger on a seductive-school-girl?


I actually liked this map, after completing it (finally beating that stupid w-thwump) I had fun, I liked the mystery in this one, made you rush even though you felt like you didn't need to, nice work
1=Trap on a Spot?
Demo Data

Ok completion demo

Could be faster.
Demo Data


the map has nothing to do with the title

at all


so its 1 thwump on a something that starts with S related to the map?


and no correct guesses yet
if you knew the clues, youd see where all the enemies are located


is it 1=T on a shirt (like T-shirt)
My sister guessed: 1=Taliban on a SadamHoussain

1=Time on a Second

Lol I'm clueless on this, and about the map, hidden thwumps are lame, I like the tiles though, and you sort-of hinted the thwumps with the mines, but still, hidden enemies are a nono for me

no one's got it yet

though i think that Meta's was a good one...i might give it to you.

I like

the clues.

great tileset 4aved

1 toaster on a staircase?
1 turkey on a sandwich?

1=tongue on a shoe?

Complete guess.