Distributive Property of Five

Thumbnail of the map 'Distributive Property of Five'

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Author AnonymousMapper
Tags author:anonymousmapper five gauss math rated
Created 2009-02-02
Last Modified 2009-02-02
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Yum, gauss. Anyway, have fun with this metro map!


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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Fire of my lions'
Fire of my lions


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u rawk :)

*Clears throat*

I said:

Hmm, I wonder who made this map?
Hmm, I wonder who made this map?

crazy tileset

nice 4/5
Now it's possible. Anyway, the tiles are pretty unusual, but the gameplay is good. Feels like I'm climbing out of the abyss when I get back up.
Also, these tiles really aren't very practical, even if they look cool. Then again, neither are minejumpers so at least they complement the gameplay. The gauss was practically useless, though.


I don't think you can make that last jump...


I don't care who you are, this map is genius.
The tileset is like a smack in the face to my tilesets
The gameplay, puzzle-jumper hybrid works great with this open, rugged landscape
The gold and objects are just incredible.
I can say no more but:
I couldn't make the last jump (see demo)
and I absolutely love this map. 5aved.
Demo Data