Scythian Empires

Thumbnail of the map 'Scythian Empires'

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Author toasters
Tags action author:toasters playable rated
Created 2009-01-23
Last Modified 2009-01-23
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description I was stuck on this map, so I asked Meta_Ing to help, so we went back and forth and finally we ended up with this map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Axilla I' Thumbnail of the map 'suburban postmodernism remixed' Thumbnail of the map 'the ongoing horrible' Thumbnail of the map 'burning too' Thumbnail of the map 'ghost mountain' Thumbnail of the map 'Cygnus.... Vismund Cygnus'
Axilla I suburban postmodernism remixed the ongoing horrible burning too ghost mountain Cygnus.... Vismund Cygnus


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i'm impressed.

This is fun, pretty and features some unique moments, particularly getting the exit switch and the final stretch to the exit. The tileset is also very interesting.
5, if I remember to come back later and vote.

Quite fun.

/Agrees with others/

4 still.
The main reminded me more of baraba than teh hooz. I liked it until the ugh end.
I think someone's going around, I got sniped too. Although my map probably deserved it more than this XD
But felt like the worst of yahoozy at times. The end was hateful. Pretty solid, but certainly annoying. Imo, you should return to your olden goldness, like your feature map.