Debut Maze

Thumbnail of the map 'Debut Maze'

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Author cheesemonger
Tags author:cheesemonger maze medium playable puzzle rated
Created 2009-01-12
Last Modified 2009-01-12
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This is my first map, so please don't be too harsh. It's a straightforward maze, althought it does require you to be moving most of the time. Additionally, some of the launch pads can throw you into mines if you're not careful. Once you know the way through it isn't that difficult.


Pages: (0)

This is so bad

I'm disappointed that people actually /liked/ it.

Also, looks like my 1 year anniversay is coming up in a couple of days; awesome!


this is such a crappy map.


It was alright

Same Here!

I'm lvin' this. Keep up the good work!
Oh, I wont! 5aved! (5 and favorited)
and, hello cheesemonger! I expect great things of you!