Simple Doors and Static Mines

Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Doors and Static Mines'

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Author SquidgY
Tags author:squidgy dda rated
Created 2005-10-10
by 20 people.
Map Data

Description DDAs are like movies. You have the typical formula: a nice open space, having N jump around using all sorts of propulsion, dodging death by a few frames, and perhaps some gold for ascetics.
This DDA is like an independent film—it's strange. Strange for the better, or strange for the worse? I'll let you decide that.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Little Rocket That Could...' Thumbnail of the map 'The Halls of Thwump' Thumbnail of the map 'Frustration' Thumbnail of the map 'Hell is Square' Thumbnail of the map 'Have a slope' Thumbnail of the map 'Scalar Fun'
The Little Rocket That Could... The Halls of Thwump Frustration Hell is Square Have a slope Scalar Fun


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Loved it!

Original and some nice close calls, 4/5

Loved it.

I thought it got a bit repetitive, but it was a great concept.

Try this. It has lots of doors.

(Oh and I gave your map a 4.5/5)

3/5 from me

Not great, as it's somewhat uninteresting, but it's original and creative.


nice, very few launch pads. i like how you use d those
trap doors and doors 3/5


you do fancy those mines though!

Cool in its own way

had some pretty close calls


Nothing amazing, but it had it's moments. I really loved one part in the middle room.