Infiltrate the dreadnaught

Thumbnail of the map 'Infiltrate the dreadnaught'

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Author BionicCryonic
Tags action atmospheric author:bioniccryonic dreadnaught unrated
Created 2008-12-30
Last Modified 2008-12-30
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I know the gausses don't do much. And that it's short. So don't nag me on that.

1 dreadnaught
1 ninja
2 cannons
4 gausses
9 drones
infinate fun

Double Dedicated to alien_y

Other maps by this author

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Chainlink chamber Demicrescendo of the ancient apparitions Trailblazer omega! Standing Alone Through Time Heartbreaker N+


Pages: (0)


After all, you fit the description of an alien! ;]


are you calling an alien? :D


Demo Data


after you get the finish switch, you're trapped