Comments on "Teh Bengal Tiger"

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and todays saturday 4 days almost, but on and off


how did you do it. You must have spent much time with this. Was it over or under 5 days?


you're dang good at these man.

wait no,

snipers i do not mean you to give me 0, if you do il set my bengal tiger on you and she will hunt you down, rip you to shreds and completly destroy you. you have my warning ;)
but im never good enough, everyone always gives me low 5's when they could give me a high 0 :^(


this map is quite a success

considering everything sucks lol

I completely agree

this sucks, n-art sucks, maps suck, numa sucks, life sucks. ooh i wonder if il get the sympathy vote now :)


stripes are amazing
and that they suck.
It looks a bit weird from the sense that the face isn't facing you in unison. The top part of the face seems to be tilted towards the audience's right, but the nose and downward seems to be perpendicular to the view. Still, 4.49
I did the best that I could do, which is... well the best that I can do.

I can't wait

for the slew of people (hopefully mintnut too) that comes in here to complain about how unfairly rated Narts are and why they suck.

NR. It looks like he's giving the "quizzical eyebrow." I'm not sure as to why you didn't just outline the face, or did something to prevent those odd lines of gauss turrets. They make the picture look sloppy, to tell you the truth. Really sloppy, in fact.




wow that was a quick rate 4 minutes
ever since my image-map. Please odnt take off points for my signature, i put it there just to identify it is my art :)
It's like a signature

That is amazing

Understatement above. 5aved


my only complaint is you name a the bottom, but I won't count off for that