Comments on "Good Bye"

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Ya know what

screw this. I'm already homesick.
This is my new account...ya.
In the middle of the night when no ones on, I'm gonna transfer all my really good that okay?
I just want to start afresh.


He uses a program, isn't it bloody obvious? He feels guilty about it, so he leaves, makes good ones, comes back and submits them.

Bye ;_;

and thats my eye. Come back some time. Maybe you could make a new account.
...I won't have any foundation for my maps.

If you can't take it, well then, there's no point submitting maps.
its just that you posted them too quickly
dont leave!!!
we need good tileartists cause we dont have many


I may set up a link from my profile to maps I'm making...probably not though.
Can't stand the sniping, the ratings, and the constant criticism
Apart from No-one 'course.


ha ha

you'll be back