Comments on "Elephant"

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Can i? If so could you make a fish sleeping on a cloud underwater?? i would like to see that ,, lol


thats incredible

Haha, atob.

Thanks. I'm glad you like it this much. Let's just hope everyone does. ^^
O, and GTM? No time to lose, right?......
but I do like your elephant :)
It is now your duty to rate every single other map that pops up :D


red and grey atob? Lol, it must be your creative sense of mapping right? :D
I think the simplicity is what sells this so well.
5aved my bro ,, 5aved

You, you you!....

^^, I'm sorry man, but I can't make coloured stuff.
But, now i'll try to bribe you.
If you give me a 5, I'll give you a coloured art next time. Ok? ^^


Here we go again.


That's great :)
Maybe some gold and mines for colour in a v2 would be nice?

Otherwise, great. 4.5 up or down depending one whether you're going to commit to a v2 this time.

Thanks man!

My doubt about this being pretty bad is gone now. ^^
And i think it looks fantastic =) 5