Thumbnail of the map 'DDA BYD'

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Author FishyWorm
Tags author:fishyworm dda rated
Created 2005-10-07
Last Modified 2005-10-08
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This level is for those sadistic people who like to watch as the dead ninja fall and gets hit over and over by a zap drone, a mine or just the floor.
DDA means (I think) "Don't Do Anything". Well, BYD means "Because You're Dead".
After the ninja's dead, it flies wherever the launch pad shoots him. The rules are different than when he's alive, but they never change (unlike the mines' effects, which varies between pushing the ninja back and blowing him to bits. pun intended).


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Thats funny. your funny. thats pritty good, and how did u make him(the corpse) go in the same flight pattern each time?