On a Plain

Thumbnail of the map 'On a Plain'

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Author OhmegaWatts
Tags author:ohmegawatts fun playable rated
Created 2008-12-16
Last Modified 2008-12-16
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Nirvana


Pages: (0)

ha, good

for a first, not as shitty as most first levels are.


weird level, pretty easy too. but good for a first. 3/5


Oh, sorry. My bad. Here's my advice, 1. Not so many doors, a few in different places would be good. 2. Spread out the gold. Sorry, 3.5/5 not 2/5
The extra mines, and the gold doesn't look that good, and you have a rocket outside of the map. The best way to prevent that is to load the map when it says "PgUp", or whatever it says for a Mac. But I liked it, you have basic gameplay down, and It isn't bad for a first. 3


boring, stupid. 2/5