Mini Adventure Pt.3

Thumbnail of the map 'Mini Adventure Pt.3'

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Author Marlonthewinner
Tags author:marlonthewinner exciting fun mini playable race unrated
Created 2008-12-14
Last Modified 2008-12-14
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description my third succesful mini map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Philip the talking house' Thumbnail of the map 'Fallen Death Angles' Thumbnail of the map '7levels of doom!' Thumbnail of the map 'Mini Adventure' Thumbnail of the map 'Mini Adventure Pt.2' Thumbnail of the map 'The Factory Of Mass Destruction'
Philip the talking house Fallen Death Angles 7levels of doom! Mini Adventure Mini Adventure Pt.2 The Factory Of Mass Destruction


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Your maps are okay for a beginner but step it up a notch. You got potential and your not like a lot of other beginners and I like your style. 4.5/5