Penthouse Robbery

Thumbnail of the map 'Penthouse Robbery'

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Author Mapfactory
Tags author:mapfactory easy fun playable storyline unrated
Created 2008-12-14
Last Modified 2008-12-14
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description You, the rich and famous ninja, emerge from your elevator at the Ritz to find burgerlers (floorchasers) trying to steal your secret recipe for burgers! First fake out the burgerlers and send all but the leader crashing out the window, then deal with him and his bodyguard and swoop down into the next floor down where you alert the authorities!

I know its easy but the idea came to me and i wanted to finish it :)

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Curled Wave CALVINZ0RZ! :D Exceptions LulZ ALIENS OMGZORZ Insect


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love the beginning.

nice effect. probably done before, but still looks nice.
but the beginning was cool. It's like he floated.