Marble Archway

Thumbnail of the map 'Marble Archway'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author _underscore_
Tags author:_underscore_ hard shit unrated
Created 2008-12-13
Last Modified 2008-12-13
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Smells like cookies.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Evasion' Thumbnail of the map 'Pantheon' Thumbnail of the map 'Abstract' Thumbnail of the map 'Corduroy' Thumbnail of the map 'Teflon II' Thumbnail of the map 'Crags'
Evasion Pantheon Abstract Corduroy Teflon II Crags


Pages: (0)


I guess.

Fairly odd? Elaborate Plz?
I dont mind, in fact if its for the good of the map then its alrite. The map itself is fairly long and odd, though.


Normally my gold sucks. And the top was rushed. I was getting impatient.

Here's my feedback

Bottom level: Great. I found the rockets challenging and the gold placement phenomenal.
Middle level: Again, great gold placement, but there wasn't really any threat. I would suggest putting one gauss in each corner, above the switches, to make the gameplay more interesting.
Top level: The laser was awkward, especially how it would end up on one of the sides; then there's no threat on one side, and too much from the other. However, riding the thwump through the mines to get to the exit door was a lot of fun.
Overall, I give this a 3.5 rounded up.


I appreciate it.
I'm just saying other people might get mad. The only reason I didn't comment the first time was because I only had time to play the first couple maps on the page. I simply recognized the thumbnail. Tbh, I don't blame you; if you RCE my maps I'll be sure to RCE yours. Now, I will play this map so I can give helpful feedback on it.


If a lot of people give me crap about it, I'll delist this. It's just that, sometimes I work extremely hard on bith gameplay and tiles, no one notices it, and I feel bad. So I delist, wait an hour or so, and repost the map when the hot maps are, well, less hot. But then some people who noticed the map the first time and didn't comment on it the first will give me shit about it. However, sometimes I will put little effort into a map which will attract a lot of attention, and that will piss me off for the opposite reason. So, whatever, yell at me. I don't give a shit.