Eagle Eye

Thumbnail of the map 'Eagle Eye'

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Author Palantini
Tags author:palantini ded greenblack tileset unrated
Created 2008-12-13
Last Modified 2008-12-13
Map Data

Description Ded to Green Black.I was apprehensive while making this but I hope you like it. Can you check out , , and please?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hell's Canyon' Thumbnail of the map 'Orbital 1' Thumbnail of the map 'You Want Ze Moolah?' Thumbnail of the map 'Why can't I make a good map?' Thumbnail of the map 'The Organist of Notre Dame' Thumbnail of the map 'Its Aliens, That's What!'
Hell's Canyon Orbital 1 You Want Ze Moolah? Why can't I make a good map? The Organist of Notre Dame Its Aliens, That's What!


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i dont rmemeber anything//?


ooh... sneaky with that gold there!


Making a ded out of that
it say AUGUSTBURNSRED, August Burns Red is one of my favourite bands. XP
for the ded


right on it though I may have to leave for the night.
not i would love that man :P lol
thanx so much