minejumper v.2

Thumbnail of the map 'minejumper v.2'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author beethoveN
Tags author:beethoven hard minejumper rated
Created 2008-12-11
Last Modified 2008-12-11
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description really hard, AGD is possible.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'so what 3' Thumbnail of the map 'so what 4' Thumbnail of the map 'thwump jump' Thumbnail of the map 'triangle' Thumbnail of the map 'gauss' Thumbnail of the map 'circle'
so what 3 so what 4 thwump jump triangle gauss circle


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...apparently half of us do :P...

man, you guys don't give up, do you.

Demo Data

Ahh xavi

you can do better.

this is still beatable
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I'll look at it soon.

... yea heres that faster AGD i was talkin about...
Demo Data


...yes i got my name...even though i had to use some tricks...the "I" is actually a lower case "L"

check my latest map
I shall call you xavi then

... are you sure you dont want to be called b3n...actually i would love it EVERYONE would call me Xavi because that my name...i was going for it but it was already taken :((...



may I call you X?


...omg your so indecisive first its b3njamin,benjamin,now its ben make up your mind!:P...
call me ben!


...and if you want to get technical its not benjamin its b3njamin :P...


...really is that your name?...well im still going to call you benbejamin...

about the spam I mean

I don't care



it's benjamin
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getting faster

sorry for spam btw
Demo Data


...i agree totally with benjamin or benbejamin as im going to call him from now on :P...anyways this is as fast of a AGD as i could get on my friends laggy POS computer, as you could prolly tell from my causious actions...but 5aved for later when i got to my comp...
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going for the 8xx frames now
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agd :P


love the difficulty. although I did this in 3 times
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top demo

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1st try

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did now, now you rate mine^^
Pretty damn ironic ;) Its nowhere near as fiddly as this. Did you rate it before? Just curious.

showing bottom is possible
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death demo showing top gold is possible
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