Darra Paux

Thumbnail of the map 'Darra Paux'

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Author Life247
Tags author:life247 backintothemold dda firstinawhile forallofyou lasers rated
Created 2008-12-09
Last Modified 2008-12-09
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Paradox.

dda. 75 minutes for 602 frames. 6 lasers. kind of lame, but I need to slowly work my way back to the impressive ddas.

cheaters welcome. rce.

Other maps by this author

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Spider Systems the soup nazi serves campbells Alien Walcott (Swapped) merry halloween, kid. bottomdwellings


Pages: (0)

It's a good start

A bit too short for my tastes, but good close calls with the lasers



Pretty good.

Thanks for the comment..
like this


Almost cheated it.

Here's [] a guide about glitched doors.
Demo Data
it would be better if the lasers didn't fire all at once, because that leaves a time when nothing really new is happening. But you still used the lasers very effectively.


I dont really share your opinion, I personally prefer my own, but yours is a close second. Yours feels more, i dont know akward ...


Umm where should I have put the switch?



press one.

who can tell me how to glitch locked doors so that the ninja falls into the tile? I forgot... :(
Demo Data

