00~3: Lollipop Culture

Thumbnail of the map '00~3: Lollipop Culture'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt floorchasers gtmap-pack nnrpg rated relaxed
Created 2008-12-08
Last Modified 2008-12-08
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description If you prefer. Also, won against Templex's challenge somehow.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Genetic Splicing With A Rusty Chainsaw' Thumbnail of the map 'D'ya Feel Lucky, Punk?' Thumbnail of the map 'Singing You To Shipwreck' Thumbnail of the map 'Slave To The Grave' Thumbnail of the map '00~2: Welcome To The Avenue' Thumbnail of the map '01~2: Three Blind Mice'
Genetic Splicing With A Rusty Chainsaw D'ya Feel Lucky, Punk? Singing You To Shipwreck Slave To The Grave 00~2: Welcome To The Avenue 01~2: Three Blind Mice


Pages: (0)


I hated that map >_<

Reminds me of...



I wasnt aiming for this to be massively rhythm based; the floorguards were meant to complement the mines and produce a relaxed challenge as opposed to one based on speed. Agree about the doors, hence i got rid of a lot of them before putting the map through. These ones generally had the least impact on gameplay from the beta.

well it was okt

the floorguards didnt seem to do much though, its mostly a mine jumper
the stacked doors didnt help the gameplay either, they sometimes get in the way
also the floorguard under the exit was a little bad
but you still get a 3/5


Thanks for rating tho.

and the

}s with ]s

to create link...

put desired adress( ex. )
in the middle of these: {URL}{/URL} but replace the "{" with "["s


I even userleveled this because it was so much fun :P

all your maps

look similar. your latest map corrects this though, so it's alright.


you've got gameplay down, but your tilesets look terrible. make something different lol.


this was fun to play, except got a bit boring at times.
3.5 up


Wait, yes, lollipops...

*shifty eyes*
especially how some explode if you try to consume i did....
I love it and I hope it wins. :P
(Note: You forgot the special tag)
Demo Data


Examples? Personally I enjoyed finding the best route, and I didnt think any of the encounters were overtly hard. Did you find it repetitive, that it might be.
Though perhaps a slightly boring one. But I think the main issue is the gameplay. I didn't enjoy going through this map at all.

i meant to rate it a 3 but i have a laptop and the mouse gets screwed sometimes so it got screwed and i instead rated a 0 by acc srry


ok fine

sniping is rating low for no rwason.


the lvl wasn't even hard

ok look

can u talk in english cause i have no idea wat sniping is and second of all u gave me a freakin 1/5 u act like u die on the first sec

fun but hard, I love it. 4+1 to antisnipe

fun fun fun!

excellent looking and pretty different from anything else that has been submitted to that comp so far.


oh whatever dude

the thing is to beat it not to find how many lvls named after it there are sheesh