
Thumbnail of the map 'Incubator'

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Author alecslo
Tags action author:alecslo fun playable unrated
Created 2008-12-08
Last Modified 2008-12-08
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My first map. Easy, but I hope you like it.


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Thanks for the help and good advice.

disjointed gameplay

I ended up at the exit before I got to set the 2nd set of trapdoors. hmmmmm....

anyways, there was NO gold whatsoever. Why, may I ask? There were a few problems: 1) The rocket room in the top right: the thwump got in the way, so it took too much time to dive through the hole without gettin' blown up. 2) The guass room next to it, was awkward to move in because the tiles slanted so that the ninja would go to the 'intersection' and get stuck. At least I did, and it was especially awkward trying to get out of there, as it seemed there was hardly an room to move. 3)Bottom left corner was useless; a waste of space, as was the room in the lower middle (with the trapdoor switches in 'em) and the room to the right of it (with the zap drone and two door switches). 5) The laser drone placement slowed the gameplay from the start. Placing it a little to the left would've gave u the same effect. 6) The thwump in the guass room, in the top portion of the map, the thwump that went left was a jackass. The way the tiles in that room were proportioned, and the small gap the led you out of the room, made it difficult to acuitally get out of the room, nevermind /thwump/ breathing down your neck. 7) This brings me to the next point. The openings were pretty narrow to get through, and if you missed it, you was dead. This made gameplay frustrating, and a tad difficult.

On a positive note, the rockets were exceptionally well placed. Most of the rooms on the right side were well done (I especialy liked the 'exit room', because of the flare with the tiles you added made it stand out -- though, the very left thwump in this room is unnessecary, as Palantini pointed out). The tile set upwas ok -- but there was too many 'rooms' and not enough open space (for example, the wall between the first guass room and the exit switch room could've been replaced with a wall of mines, to allow the guass to shoot you, without crossing any boundaries).

Oy, what a rant. Welcome, I forgot to add. You get 3/5 for this, your first map.
Demo Data


Nice 1st!

4. Not as easy as you label it, so nice there. I like the look with no mines or gold...a kind of grayish blueish nice feeling to it. A lot of the thwumps are unnecessary, but that can be easily fixed.