Who is John Galt?

Thumbnail of the map 'Who is John Galt?'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Palantini
Tags author:palantini ded dedication playable tileset unrated
Created 2008-12-07
Last Modified 2008-12-07
Map Data

Description A persuasion for a friend of mine to take up mapmaking.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Damn the Torpedos! Full Speed Ahead!' Thumbnail of the map 'TileHenge' Thumbnail of the map 'Uillim' Thumbnail of the map 'Its Christmas Time in the City-TS' Thumbnail of the map 'the RED balloon' Thumbnail of the map 'Disco Dance'
Damn the Torpedos! Full Speed Ahead! TileHenge Uillim Its Christmas Time in the City-TS the RED balloon Disco Dance


Pages: (0)

fast demo

Demo Data

I liked this one. My fastest time was 55.8


Thanks. Should I make art instead of maps?

4.5/5, if rateable

Your n-art is wow. You make it look so open, but it is really tunnel-like if you fill in the areas N cannot go.