first race

Thumbnail of the map 'first race'

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Author Miiio
Tags author:miiio race rated
Created 2008-12-07
Last Modified 2008-12-07
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description m,y first race kgo.
dont judge to harshly.

Other maps by this author

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Time The Ruins of An'Quira New Plague Inhabited Pitbull Featured Map: Deranged


Pages: (0)

good first.

Flow could have been nicer, could have been longer, but overall a good one.


Nice for a first

and quite unique too - that gets you a +1

However, unique though it was it was a little patchy, and could perhaps of been a little longer.


for a first

it's great. 5/5

i stuffed that demo up.

its only short but its good =) (i think)
Demo Data


didnt really get the flow, post a demo if you can
Demo Data