
Thumbnail of the map 'Brasil_Playable'

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Author 1_of_3_Mesters_N
Tags author:1_of_3_mesters_n flagz n-art playable unrated
Created 2008-12-03
Last Modified 2008-12-03
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this is the Playable.

Other maps by this author

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Chrismas (Re-Make) Kolumbia Sudden_Death (ft. Caio) Rolling I'm_With_The_Target_At_You Brasil_N-art


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Just the way I like it. The gauss rocket combo was nice, but more of a mine-jumping element would be welcome. Provided some fun, and I'd play it again!


it was pretty cool

I had fun on this, short and easy but fun. :)
What's with the drones though? I give it a 4/5; would have been 5/5 if it was longer.