
Thumbnail of the map 'Castle'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author oof____kabooff
Tags author:oof____kabooff castle rated tileset
Created 2008-12-02
Last Modified 2008-12-02
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description feel free 2 use, as long as u mention me.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'cavern' Thumbnail of the map 'Crunch! Bang! Shatter! KA-PLOOIE!' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocker dude' Thumbnail of the map 'CrAzYnEsS' Thumbnail of the map 'DOOM' Thumbnail of the map 'Fire walking'
cavern Crunch! Bang! Shatter! KA-PLOOIE! Rocker dude CrAzYnEsS DOOM Fire walking


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Awesome tileset, but little room for gameplay. I like it anyway. Could I use an edited version for one of my maps? I'll credit you.
theres not really that much room for gameplay or enemies or ya stuff, and 3


Looks just like a castle. 4

tahts great

perfect 5aved

great tileset.

(if u get time u can see some of my maps? thankz)