
Thumbnail of the map 'Гуру'

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Author mahi_mahi
Tags author:mahi_mahi rated unrated
Created 2008-11-29
Last Modified 2010-03-12
by 12 people.
Map Data

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Your first map ... I 5aved

happy 100th map

mustardude. <3

As you can see

He's not a new user; he has delisted maps...


But zap on the right was too cramped; it need more space. Also, I would have preferred more cover from the rocket as I tried at the key on the right.



yeah... if I really was multiaccounting I'd be SUPERRATING my other maps; I delisted them cause they got ignored


multiaccounter or not, it was a damn good map. i loved it because it had variety, requiring a range of skills.

4.5 up
How does he log out and log on to all of these accounts if you got here so fast?

The problem was...

It had 3 ratings by the time I finished my first comment, which was 2 mins after I finished playing it and 1 min of typing the comment. Maybe there's an anti-sniper lurking around or something because I don't think anyone could have been faster than me. I saw this map and began to play it only 8 secs after submission. For 4 people to do that faster than me is much too coincidental. As soon as I rated, it jumped to 5 ratings. I just suspected it and gave people a heads up to look out. I really didn't mean to be offensive.

Is there a reason

that you delisted your other two(?) maps?


means you make extra accounts to rate up your own maps secretly.

I don't think thats the case.


dont be to fast at shooting people down, though it is suspicious you should always give the person the benefit of the doubt, argh, this knocked my maps of 2nd and 3rd, oh well good map


New user, 2 mins from submitting maps and already rated a 4, except my rate, which was a 3.

Good start

but too touchy with the locked doors.