Comments on "Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot."

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Very nice. Not perfect, but one of the best DDAs I've seen recently.

So Awesome!!!

Its awesomeness pops my eyes! <(*_*)>
5/5! It's the best track ive ever seen!


This is WAY better than any of my DDA tracks!!!

Simply amazing

you sure showed everyone that currently makes DDA's how things get done ^^

Haha - with your return you have just completely overshadowed actions, DDA's and races with just one map in each category. Nice job.
Worked on it, lost interest, found it, worked on it, submitted it, etc.

how can

you make these kind of things? this must have taken like.... a year o so...



To spudzalot:

That burns



This tileset is UGLY. :P :p

This is stupid

The ninja dies at the end. :P


I'm trying to get some competition in speedrunning, if you want to do it check my profile for details.
wumbla, this definitely isn't 4500 frames. you must have recorded wrong.


THAT WAS FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!! 5/5!!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!


the phrase "WHY DO THESE ROCKETS AND LASERS KEEP FIRING AT ME AND CHASING ME" just doesn't flow as well.

Before Deadline, I had taken a break from mapping.


wow.. faved..and 5aved..


more than 4500 frames

Wtf wtf wtf

Why havent I heard of you before Deadline? 4, awesome dda, although some moments were kinda lacking and the lasers were far more the centrepiece than the rockets. Imo.