
Thumbnail of the map 'rejuvenation'

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Author apse
Tags author:apse dood hard mines rated
Created 2008-11-21
Last Modified 2008-11-21
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description i realise this map is a lot like brainstone's map further down, but i assure you that i made this before he submitted his, and any similarites are purely coincidental.

>>>>tileset by kaylab<<<<

spent quite a bit of time refining and playtesting this.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'ThiS MAP = road_rage' Thumbnail of the map 'the reality of the daylight laboratory' Thumbnail of the map 'arcane' Thumbnail of the map 'snare 2' Thumbnail of the map 'the bustle' Thumbnail of the map 'the minstrel will sing like a bird'
ThiS MAP = road_rage the reality of the daylight laboratory arcane snare 2 the bustle the minstrel will sing like a bird


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this is quite nice, very playable, the one-ways were used nicely, that one seeker drone was quite effective, the laser was awkward and outta place, the chaingun was placed nicely, very to the point and very flowy. my main objection with this is about the tiles; they didnt have to be so crag-like in some places if you know what i mean. its craggy in some places and smooth-sailing in others. just my opinion, 3.5up
Demo Data


May I remind you, you wanted to make a map out of this []?
I´d like very much.
(Is this an existing english word?) The only thing I could find was the rocket. Otherwise it´s totally different.
I enjoyed it. 4.

damn thats good

the last bit has the best play in it i had the seeker drone the rocket and the lazer at me all at same time haha

btw that chain gun is pure evil. haha 5.5/5


nice idea..

i liked! 3/5

and see my new:
and tell me pleas..

ok :)