
Thumbnail of the map 'Destruction'

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Author Gods_Reaper
Tags author:gods_reaper dda rated
Created 2008-11-18
Last Modified 2008-11-18
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description this is only 340 frames long. it starts out awsume and the end the rockets bundled up. so i just finished it.
Please rate to how you liked it ad it has 15 CLOSE CALLS.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Spiky' Thumbnail of the map 'Clostraphobic 5' Thumbnail of the map 'Catatonic' Thumbnail of the map '"One Way Dead End Street' Thumbnail of the map 'My Tileset' Thumbnail of the map 'VooDoo'
Spiky Clostraphobic 5 Catatonic "One Way Dead End Street My Tileset VooDoo


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Two Words...



i love it!!!!


see my levels
It just could be better.
on Overclock +20.
With all those rockets and launchpads, I was hoping for more than 15 close calls. You should be able to get around 30.

Here's mine

Gunning Down the Hamsters []
PsychoSnail's Awesome Mini and Launchpad DDA's []

not to advertise or anything, but usually, make it bigger. That will give you more opportunities for better close calls. I also killed the rockets when they began to bunch. You never want the viewer to see it bunch up too much for too long. This DDA could go another 200 frames with a lot more close calls. Nobody cares about launchpads or what not. Just make tonnes of too-good-to-be-true-close-calls without cheating death.


haven't seen a dda for a while, letalone a good one. but I can nolonger rate dda's seeing I cant compare them to much fairly...


launch pads are lame, imo... but you used them fairly well.. in this situation... I just feel like when I use a good two hours to try to NOT use launch pads...
I did f by f and I counted a few close calss but nothing special except 8 really good ones.... though towards the end you could have gone down instead of up and that would have spred the rockets a bit more so you would have had longer time and could have done some more....
Launch pads are easy to use but to make them work right and not use them to run away but rather run towards... thats skill... no launch pads is even better, imo.
I think you grasped this concept fairly well and way better than some others... so I'll give you a four...

not bad

check out mine


15 close-calls! Holy fuck that was the most intense thing I've ever seen, compared to some of the DDA's the same length that have hundreds of close-calls, this was fabulous, and it outmatches them completely.

Ok, if you can't be bothered to read that, IT SUCKS


It was about 11 secs to me =/
maybe good for the first 100ish frames.

15 seconds?

The dda was 8.5 seconds long :)


that was the most intense 15 seconds of my life

As for this one

Lightning did a better version, basically. Check it out, it rawks. This is cool too, just not as epic. 3.5 up