
Thumbnail of the map 'meh..'

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Author NICNAC14
Tags author:nicnac14 race unrated
Created 2008-11-17
Last Modified 2008-11-17
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
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Description its not perfect but still fun... i suck at races... sry but i prefer dda's and actions though playin races are fun...

Other maps by this author

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A Gift from a Thwump... Derma Calistus RoadRage!!!! doduration Redemption elongated redemption...


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put one ways

in the middle section starting from underneath the 4 tile and going all the way to the right, so you can run across easier after you get launched by the jumppad. put another trapdoor next to the one just above that.

suggestion :p


stick to ddas and actions.
the flow was pretty bad, and half the enemies did nothing. the other half were badly placed.

(on the topic of ddas, i am going to counter your epic kradda with one of my own.)