Twin Tetris Turbo HD Tribal Remix II

Thumbnail of the map 'Twin Tetris Turbo HD Tribal Remix II'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt gttm playable rated rocket-dodger tileset
Created 2008-11-15
Last Modified 2008-12-02
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description The latest installment in my Tile Trials series... another rocket jumper, but completely different to Wired and Wonderful. I wont lie, agd is really, really hard. Ded to the first agd, and some respect too.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A Wittle Twee' Thumbnail of the map 'Low Tech Gold Mine' Thumbnail of the map 'City of Blinding Lights' Thumbnail of the map 'The Revenge of the Banyan Tree's Cousin' Thumbnail of the map 'Wired and Wonderful' Thumbnail of the map 'Traversing the Longitudinal'
A Wittle Twee Low Tech Gold Mine City of Blinding Lights The Revenge of the Banyan Tree's Cousin Wired and Wonderful Traversing the Longitudinal


Pages: (0)


agd - 2573 / 105.675
Demo Data

gargh, nearly

I like this map very much.
Demo Data

My fingers hurt...

agd coming soon!


i like this alot

and the tiles are very nice.

I'l probably have an agd in about 3 days time, when its already been beaten by about 10 people :P


i dont think it is one of your better maps. the gameplay was ok, but the rockets usually got very hard to evade, and there could have been more places to hide in.
tileset was great though.

3.5 up


I hate this type of rocket usage unless it's toned down and allows the player to be careful. But you've rocket launchers that can gang up on you, a not-so-moderate amount of cubbyholes, and an especially rough tileset. So I'm sorry to say I did not enjoy it. 2/5

Btw, what exactly was noobish about the tiles, blackson? I thought they looked snazzy.
Demo Data
They appear noobish.

i liked it...

some of the rockets were anoying...
bvuti like :) a lot.

Thanks :)

What did you think about the gameplay?
that they could miss a awsome map like this...