
Thumbnail of the map 'Momentum'

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Author Supermaster1
Tags action author:supermaster1 beatable fun medium playable rated
Created 2008-11-04
Last Modified 2008-11-04
by 5 people.
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Halfpiper.' Thumbnail of the map 'Roads' Thumbnail of the map 'Roads 2' Thumbnail of the map 'If this doesn't kill you....' Thumbnail of the map 'Life.' Thumbnail of the map 'Dual Sympathy'
Halfpiper. Roads Roads 2 If this doesn't kill you.... Life. Dual Sympathy


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Demo Data

I Agree

with Exist4nce and Guitar_Hero_Matt 2/5

Too easy

It is very easy to beat, like Guitar_Hero_Matt said there are way too many rockets and gauss. Also the mines were un-needed.
And half the rockets/gauss (and all of the mines) werent needed. That said, its a pretty nice level considering everything. 2