24-0 of Those who dwell in the Darkness

Thumbnail of the map '24-0 of Those who dwell in the Darkness'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ChaoStar
Tags 200th action author:chaostar rated
Created 2008-10-29
Last Modified 2008-10-29
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description 200th map

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '22-4 urn' Thumbnail of the map '23-0 A complex simplicity' Thumbnail of the map '23-1 Spire' Thumbnail of the map '23-2 Clob' Thumbnail of the map '23-3 see jane jump!' Thumbnail of the map '23-4 of Those who walk in circles...'
22-4 urn 23-0 A complex simplicity 23-1 Spire 23-2 Clob 23-3 see jane jump! 23-4 of Those who walk in circles...


Pages: (0)

Have a look at my honorary statue... amongst other reasons.
What happened?

I got my 100th Map []
You were waiting for it right?
I miss you (even though it has been only one weekend).

Also, I got 3 flavors this weekend + black.

why GTM?



cool that you are on wiki. I wanna be on wiki >.<

That exit switch is wayy to hard to get.
Congrats on 200th map. I'm nearing my 100th.
awesome. why doesnt it say anything about "the repins"?
cause it should.


If I submitted it, I would have under GTM. Im still waiting for atob to change my name to GTM on here after several PMs. :)


i wonder who submitted that article


sweet thumbnail...


you are here... []


do better!!!


Im not on there. Waaaaaaaaaaaaah.


whoa... look at this... []


Pretty nice, lots of enemies. Kinda spammish, but considering the tileset it works pretty well. I just cant seem to get the flow. 3.5 up.

And pssst, my map on hotmaps only needs one more rating :P

the best

chaostar map i have seen yet. happy 200th!