10-4 Attempt - May be delisted

Thumbnail of the map '10-4 Attempt - May be delisted'

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Author Lightning55
Tags action author:lightning55 minejumper playable puzzle unrated utopian
Created 2008-10-28
Last Modified 2008-10-29
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Last map of the map pack. Extremely difficult, but was beaten in many parts (on the left side, I assume that because it is symmetrical, both sides are possible). Fastest AGD by Oct 31 gets a Ded.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Squirm Around 09-3' Thumbnail of the map 'Going Up, Going Down 09-4' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwumps & Rockets 10-0' Thumbnail of the map 'Gausses & Floorguards 10-1' Thumbnail of the map 'Zap Drones & Seeker/Chaser Drones 10-2' Thumbnail of the map 'Laser Drones & Chaingun Drones 10-3'
Squirm Around 09-3 Going Up, Going Down 09-4 Thwumps & Rockets 10-0 Gausses & Floorguards 10-1 Zap Drones & Seeker/Chaser Drones 10-2 Laser Drones & Chaingun Drones 10-3


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Use this level data

I moved the ninja to the top left one-way

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not that i can remember it...
ah well i presume you playtested this?
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I'll change this and make my originally planned last map, one of each enemy. Eganic knew I cant make tilejumpers, yet he insisted.
but the mainframe of the map is here.


Probably the poorer of the series, its really difficult and tbh not that fun. Theres not much atmos either... Imo, you could have done better with the concept. 2.5 up

Alternate way

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Other switch

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Is this what you mean?
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demo plox!!'



how do you do that?
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