
Thumbnail of the map 'Grapple'

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Author Exist4nce
Tags author:exist4nce fun maze puzzle tricky unrated w00t
Created 2008-10-25
Last Modified 2008-10-25
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A somewhat tricky map but once you know how to do it is pretty easy.
Let me know what you think!!

Other maps by this author

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Fun Tricks/Bugs High Jump Engulfed


Pages: (0)


almost a sub-400
Demo Data
Demo Data

Speed demo
Demo Data


you should ad a particular path, like in Nspiaration_07. The ones at the start are useless. with these sorts of levels, less is more.

Demo Data

Oh, lol

I didn't even know about his level until just know, lol. I just put some tiles on an empty map then went with it.

first try (demo)

im guessing inspired by Nspiration_07 on userlevels?
Demo Data