When The Sun Dies...

Thumbnail of the map 'When The Sun Dies...'

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Author Gods_Reaper
Tags author:gods_reaper easy fun gold unrated
Created 2008-10-25
Last Modified 2008-10-25
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description the world will die. but will it?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket Dodger 1' Thumbnail of the map 'The top of the Mages Staff' Thumbnail of the map 'Speed Run Map' Thumbnail of the map 'Whats He Cooking?' Thumbnail of the map 'Message' Thumbnail of the map 'Your Choice'
Rocket Dodger 1 The top of the Mages Staff Speed Run Map Whats He Cooking? Message Your Choice


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lol i was making the map then i was just i looked at my itunes. and one of my bands song is that so i was like omg.
so i added the thing in the top right.


i see that the title makes little to no sense. congratulations you're learning quickly :P

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My Demo

Speedy i guess. no gold demo
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Fun map
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