Brake Now 09-2

Thumbnail of the map 'Brake Now 09-2'

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Author Lightning55
Tags action author:lightning55 playable race unrated utopian
Created 2008-10-19
Last Modified 2008-10-19
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Race-ish. Several exits and each is based on a number of gold. Very complicated drone path =D RCE

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Plain 08-1' Thumbnail of the map 'Basic 08-2' Thumbnail of the map 'Common 08-3' Thumbnail of the map 'Regular 08-4' Thumbnail of the map 'Crawling Through 09-0' Thumbnail of the map 'Walk Forth 09-1'
Plain 08-1 Basic 08-2 Common 08-3 Regular 08-4 Crawling Through 09-0 Walk Forth 09-1


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I don't know what they are talking about. I think it looks good, and the drone paths are simply awesome. The flow is a bit slow, but it is still there. My only problem is that it's a bit.... easy. 3.5/5 rated up.

Almost AGD.
Demo Data
When going down the slant (in the area I finished at), hold right. Let a drone pass you then run right. Jump as soon as you hit the opening and land on the one-way. Then collect the gold and finish.
Demo Data

It is a slow flow

I'll get an AGD whenever.


i cant find the flow it needs propulsion.


to many drones in my opinion, you can do better


I'll take it as a compliment.

And lightning

You forgot to rate mine. Ill looks at some of yours and you look at some of mine?

Holy what the fuck

This has to be the largest uglyness:gameplay ratio ever. Its plays awesome but looks, odd to say the least. 3.5 up

May lag.

It had about 2 times as many drones when I first made it.