i think i see angels flying in the sky

Thumbnail of the map 'i think i see angels flying in the sky'

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Author Addicted_Ancestor
Tags actin author:addicted_ancestor silly unrated
Created 2008-10-18
Last Modified 2008-10-18
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description but i could be delirious

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27walnut using noodles queen? i denounce this crown its hard to fbf with your caps lock on mightyoucomespendthesummer nothing lasts more than 20 years and he drones on and on and on


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mapper is lowering.
Demo Data


Very fun

The zap drones were awesome, but the chaingun needed work and the thwump was pointless. 3.5/5, but because I'm cruel i'll round it down. By the way, there are two ninjas on the starting spot. Completion demo.
Demo Data
i don't even know how to describe it, but it is very enjoyable