I - Simply Complicated

Thumbnail of the map 'I - Simply Complicated'

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Author uNcoNditioNal
Tags author:unconditional jumper playable rated
Created 2008-10-16
Last Modified 2009-04-09
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Hey.

I'm back making maps again and thought I'd start off by submitting a 10 map collection, in the form of two episodes, entitled "Abductions & Reconstructions".

Comments always appreciated.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Clubbed to death.' Thumbnail of the map 'enigma' Thumbnail of the map 'Apply some pressure [Instrumental]' Thumbnail of the map 'Voodoo people.' Thumbnail of the map 'Minor deity.' Thumbnail of the map 'Mixed messages.'
Clubbed to death. enigma Apply some pressure [Instrumental] Voodoo people. Minor deity. Mixed messages.


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so fun.

i love it.
Demo Data
im losing track of where people are and who people are but
wb i guess. :)
Demo Data
I think rockets are often good to create a soothing map, they are kinda hypnotizing, but i get it was supposed to be easy as well. so. 3

Great skills!

That jump at the end could have been smoother and knocked a couple of frames off the end though... :P


I am very happy with this demo. :)
Demo Data

Thanks very much!

Glad you enjoy my maps, and I hope I can fulfill that sense of anticipation :D
As part of an episode, this works well, but it was slightly boring. However, I can sense that this is building up to something wonderful.

Once again, I'm glad you're back :)
this map is a bit of warm up. I mean, looking at some of the demos, everyone plays to a different standard, but just by playing this a few times over while trying to improve your time, you begin to get more precise with where you jump and for how long, etc.

So not only does it chill you out, it warms you up... awesome!
I'm also certainly a fan of cahu, so it's nice to be compared to him.

I like it

And I understand the empty space, but imo, it could have been used better tbh. 3.5 up

First Try slow AGD

I prove my point completely with supdz's comment.
Demo Data

By the way

I havent really commented on any of your maps but I have played a lot of them. I thought you were dead so I didnt leave any feedback. ^^; Anyway I might go back a play a few and tell you what I think. Also, this map reminds me of cahu.


I enjoyed reading that. Thanks for the feedback; I did experiment with various more intricate objects, but anything more and it just lost its ambiance.


i like the relaxed atmosphere, but it's missing something. it certainly has polish, but...the polish seems to coat a stain. there's something lacking here. 4/5 anyway! glad you're back!

Erm, nice one.

It is the introductory map to the collection though, it's meant to chill you out and be a nice calm note to start on.

Apparently, that didn't work :|

First try

Demo Data

Cheers mate.

I appreciate it.


I am so glad you are back!
Demo Data