lots o' litle

Thumbnail of the map 'lots o' litle'

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Author beethoveN
Tags action author:beethoven chambers mine-jumper squeeze test unrated
Created 2008-10-16
Last Modified 2008-10-16
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description AAAARRRRGH, instead of submitting it reset, now I have to do it all over again >^:
please tell me what your favorite parts are and I might make a bigger, if I do not get enough info i might resubmit this, tell everybody you know about it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'mini 1 nerve' Thumbnail of the map 'simple chalenge' Thumbnail of the map 'ded to lightning.' Thumbnail of the map 'ded to jasdanu' Thumbnail of the map 'ded to chaostar' Thumbnail of the map 'stairway to speed'
mini 1 nerve simple chalenge ded to lightning. ded to jasdanu ded to chaostar stairway to speed


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was just plain annoying, the stupid rooms with the bounce blocks and trap doors were retarded... 1/5 at max


this was defintly an odd level. here is wat i thought of eac room
1 good
2 fine
3 good
4 fine
5 good
6 bad -you have done this 3 times now
7 good
8 stupid -whats the point?
9 allright
10 dumb -4th time
11 average -looks like a swaztika
12 dumb -same as the last thing
13 soo soo stupid -5th time
14 allright
15 dumb -to stupid and dumb
16 way to hard -i dont think you played this level
17 even harder -read the above
18 impossible -read the above
19 super stupid -6th time
20 super stupid -way to much 6th time
21 meh
22 this is allright
23 very good
24 dumb - you basicly just did this + u cant get into the next room
25 you did this before iswell
26 allright
27 SON OF A BITCH this is done way too much
28 this is good
29 this is good
30 fine
31 cant get in correctly
32 ok i am really pissed, you have done it AGAIN!!!! STOP IT STOP IT
33 i will kill myself that u have keept doing this
34 stupid cause the rocket kills you really really easily

tell me which part you like.

WAY too hard.
