Eurtieous Surfeticus Lenteium 06-4

Thumbnail of the map 'Eurtieous Surfeticus Lenteium 06-4'

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Author Lightning55
Tags action author:lightning55 playable rated utopian
Created 2008-10-11
Last Modified 2008-10-11
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description rule asked for an easier map. Lots of 6's, I realized that right after I finished play testing 0.o

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'What the Hell Happened?' Thumbnail of the map 'Arimeus Sanctonata Cheriish 06-1' Thumbnail of the map 'Eurameus Stonponata Virtuem 06-2' Thumbnail of the map 'Wonderthunder' Thumbnail of the map 'Suitantimos Kricheshata Moperisar 06-3' Thumbnail of the map 'Mazers 07-0'
What the Hell Happened? Arimeus Sanctonata Cheriish 06-1 Eurameus Stonponata Virtuem 06-2 Wonderthunder Suitantimos Kricheshata Moperisar 06-3 Mazers 07-0


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Why is your avatar GTM instead of GHM?


The seekers were used well, but the gold placement was a bit naff. 3.5 up, enjoy your newly rated map :P

where am i supposed to go to to enter the demo code

I agree

and I'm fully aware of it. It is a problem I'm still trying to fix. Not making it too easy but not too difficult.

I like it

Work on better gold placement; nice zaps.

wrong demo..

here it is -
Demo Data


gold placement could have been better.. was fun still.
Demo Data

I made it thin

but I do see where you are going skyline. Variecs, care to tell me more specifically?
but i dont think its nice map
of course its not boring but... not bigger than 3/5 sorry

Not too bad.

I would've preferred a larger playing area and more organized gold.

That wasnt an AGD

The perpendicular jump to get the bottom gold is harder than I thought, but after 30 or so tries, I got it, but then died, so no demo (curse NReality for not having death demos)
but AGD is a lot more challenging than a completion.
Demo Data
I actually do play some of your maps, but I usually don't comment unless I have a demo... (I guess it's just a habit...)
Demo Data


not very good 3/5